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Funeral Service of Shirley SCHMIDT

Scunthorpe | Published in: Scunthorpe Telegraph.

Jason Threadgold Funeral Director
Jason Threadgold Funeral Director
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ShirleySCHMIDTFuneral report of mourners who attended the funeral service for the late Mrs Shirley Jean Schmidt on 24th November 2022. Family Mourners Allan and Julie Schmidt, Paul and Natalie Schmidt, Anita and Andrew Miller, Linda and Eamonn Igoe, Jeanette and Graham Ladlow. Tracey Schmidt, Marcus Crisp, Rio Crisp, Lucas Crisp, Ian Schmidt, (representing the late Mark Schmidt) Lewis Schmidt, (representing Owen Turner) Elizabeth and Dan Brown, (representing Willow and Bodhi Brown) Diane Bradford, (representing Patrice Smithson) Lynn Lee, Beth Crisp. Nicola and Warren Peters, (representing Nathan and Chloe Peters), Laura and Julian Joorawon, (representing Jude and Seth Joorawon) Sarah Miller, (representing Myles Green, Andrew Miller Jnr, Hon, Phon and Chor) Jamie Green, Stacey Miller, Maddison Atkinson, Ella Atkinson, Matty Atkinson, Tyson Sutton, (representing Olly and Noah Sutton) Martin and Carly Igoe, (representing Henry and Rory Igoe) Simon Igoe, Sarah Burgin, Anna Igoe, Jordan Quibell, Maria Igoe, Wayne Mell, Ann and Graham Smyth, Tony and Anita Igoe, Sophie Sherwood. David Whitehead, Zachary Whitehead, (representing Sienna) Craig Ladlow, Abbey Ladlow, (representing Cameron and Finley Ladlow) Marcus Ladlow, Nicola Laird, (representing Harry Ladlow) Ryan Ladlow, Georgia Dobbs, Gemma Cook, Angie Ladlow, Joyce Ladlow. Glenys Davey, Wendy Davey, Derek Davey, (representing Sallyann and Mandy) Rachel Hillsdon/Davey, Jan Davey, Guy Hopkins, (representing Joan and Selwyn Hopkins) Simon Hopkins, Joseph Hopkins, Sam Hopkins, Sue Hopkins, Gerry and Pauline Lacey, Jean and Mike Coupland. Other Mourners Pauline Tutty, Representing Micheal and Vanessa) David Tutty, (representing Karen Pattinson, Connor and Daniel Pattinson), Darrell Knowles. Steven and Richard Glew, (representing John Glew) David Potter, Lorraine Smith, Stuart Smith, (representing Paul Wheatley) Matthew Smith, (representing Nigel Oxenforth) Tony Douglas, (representing Andrew Douglas) Bill Kirk, Jean Marshall, Di Stefano, Emily Dennett, Carol Hewitt.
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Published: 08/12/2022
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